I wrote a memoir about my family’s tragic love affair with truth-telling.

It’s out now from Abrams Books. Buy it here or at your local independent bookstore!

tobehonest cover final
















To find out more, you can listen to This American Life’s take on my conundrum: Need-To-Know Basis.

You could also read this article about whether to be honest I wrote for The Atlantic.



Interview in Hunger Magazine…

Hunger Magazine interviewed me about my photography and selected some of my best photos


Hunger Mag


THE GIRL IN APARTMENT 9 starring Lola Kirke…

Lola and I made movie stills for a movie that doesn’t exist.

You can see them along with an interview with Lola about film noir and feminism in Hunger Mag.


My Musical Collaboration With A 9-Year-Old…

I was a teenager at family camp when I first wrote a song with a bunch of kids. I immediately recognized this as one of my favorite things to do and, ever since, I’ve written music with kids whenever I’ve had the chance. This music we’ve written has been some of my best, but it never gets recorded properly or released. In a rare exception, I made an EP with one of my favorite students, Lucy, age 9, titled “If You Don’t Like It, Please Leave”.


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